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Inside This Article
1IIF function basics - the CASE statement of MS Access
2Use MS Access IIF function in GROUP BY clause
3Use MS Access IIF function in ORDER BY clause
4A complex example of MS Access IIF function used within GROUP BY clause
5Use MS Access IIF function to conditionally calculate field values
6. Use MS Access IIF function with NZ function to convert NULL values to numerics

Use MS Access IIF function with NZ function to convert NULL values to numerics

From Part 5, you may notice that there are blank values in Dairy Products category and Grains/Cereals category for America and Asia-Pacific. Ideally, we'd like them to show zero rather than blank.

The blanks are caused by NULL values that are returned when no products found after grouping products and continents. Blank values can be converted to zero by using NZ function. NZ stands for Null to Zero.

By definition, Nz function is used to convert a Null value to another value such as zero, a zero-length string (""), or another specified value.

Code example:

Query Name Func_Grouping_Complex4
Logic To get our desired result format, we wrap IIF function inside SUM function, and then wrap SUM function inside NZ function. If any result of the SUM function is null, NZ converts it to 0.

The first SUM will add up the UnitsInStock for each country that belongs to Europe by using IIF function inside the SUM function. The second SUM applies the same logic for America. The last SUM does it against Asia-Pacific countries.

In GROUP BY, we specify product category so that only the same category is grouped.

SQL View:
SELECT Categories.CategoryName, 
       NZ(Sum(IIf([suppliers].[Country] In (
          'France'),[products].[unitsinstock])),0) AS Europe, 
       NZ(Sum(IIf([suppliers].[country] In (
          'Brazil'),[products].[unitsinstock])),0) AS America, 
       NZ(Sum(IIf([suppliers].[country] In (
          'Singapore'),[products].[unitsinstock])),0) AS [Asia-Pacific]
FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN (Categories INNER JOIN Products 
               ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID) 
               ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID
GROUP BY Categories.CategoryName;
Datasheet View: 8 records returned:


Inside This Article
1IIF function basics - the CASE statement of MS Access
2Use MS Access IIF function in GROUP BY clause
3Use MS Access IIF function in ORDER BY clause
4A complex example of MS Access IIF function used within GROUP BY clause
5Use MS Access IIF function to conditionally calculate field values
6. Use MS Access IIF function with NZ function to convert NULL values to numerics
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1.IIF function basics - the CASE statement of MS Access

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